In the intentions of Filippo Tincolini, Cartoons aims to bring together icons of collective heritage, stemming from the vibrant universe of cartoons, in a transgenerational and transcultural dialogue where the enchantment of childhood merges with the depth of adulthood.

Sculpture thus becomes an ambassador of a timeless aesthetic, capable of transcending borders and uniting distinct universes. By incorporating irony, a distinctive element of Tincolini's work, the Cartoons Series transforms into a subtle interpretation of the human condition. The artist plays with the duality of meanings and expectations, adding layers of complexity beneath an apparently playful and naive surface.

With a knowing smile, Tincolini invites us to look beyond appearances, to discover the hidden truth behind the facade of each animated figure, turning irony not only into a narrative tool but into an interpretative key that opens up new readings of our contemporary world and its artistic representations.

The marble sculptures stand as icons of the collective heritage of animation, catalyzing dialogue between generations and cultures. Tincolini brings to life a gallery where nostalgia blends with innovation, the eternal meets the new, and where sculpture becomes the spokesperson of a timeless beauty, capable of transcending boundaries and connecting worlds.