Myths, divinities, superheroes. A dialogue with sculptor Filippo Tincolini

September 9, 2024

Espoarte meets Filippo at Fantiscritti in his studio-laboratory at the foot of the marble quarries of Carrara, where robotic arms and sophisticated 3D scanners coexist surprisingly with files, chisels, and myriad traditional tools. Filippo Tincolini, a contemporary Italian sculptor, blends classical and modern influences in his marble sculptures, often exploring themes of consumerism, mythology, and technology. Working in his studio at the foot of Carrara's marble quarries, Tincolini uses both traditional tools and advanced robotic techniques to create his works. His sculptures merge ancient references with contemporary imagery, creating symbolic, surreal pieces that invite multiple interpretations. Notable projects include "Spaceman Shine," an installation in Capri, and his upcoming exhibition "Human Connections" in Pietrasanta in 2025. Tincolini's art reflects a balance between tradition and innovation.

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